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Team Members

Last updated October 4, 2024

You can add as many team members as you would like in Perfect Venue!

How do I add a team member?

  1. Head to Settings → Team
  2. Hit “Add” in the top right corner
Team Members
  1. Put in the team member’s information, what venues you would like them to have access to (if you have multiple locations), and what permissions they have.
  • We have four different user permissions in the system: 
  • Admins are able to see, edit, and do everything in the system
  • Editors can edit everything in the system, but will be unable to edit or view taxes and fees settings, organization settings, and team member settings.
  • Viewers are able to view financials and all events, but are unable to edit anything in the system, and don't have access to settings.
  • Limited View cannot view any financials or edit anything in the system, but are able to see high level event information.

Once you have added information and hit “save”, they will receive an email in to login to their account. If they do not receive the email, always be sure to have them check their spam folder!

Additionally, they can always head to the login page and hit “forgot password” to get into the system.

How do I edit team member information?

Team member information (ie. name, phone number, notifications, password) is not able to be edited from the “team” settings. If information needs to be changed, each team member needs to do so under their profile.

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